Natures Zeal

Natures zeal posts articles on environment issues like Climate change, Global warming, Glacier melting, rising sea levels, Temperature changes, Pollution and raises concern over it. Climate change and Earths global temperature change is a matter of concern for all of us. Its impact is visible all around us.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Glaciers in Switzerland are melting

Glaciers in Switzerland are melting at a very rapid rate. It has lost nearly a tenth of its volume in the past five years. This study was carried out on 20 Swiss glaciers which showed that the melting rates have reached record levels.

These melting of glaciers are the result of global warming. During the month of April and May, intense heatwaves struck in various countries of Europe and that had happened due to global warming.

Study revealed that the thick snow layer quickly disappeared and the strong melt continued until early September. This is not the problem of Europe only, entire world is struggling with this problem of melt and global warming.

Climate change is the cause of glacier melting and this research shows the extent of the problem in Switzerland. Eastern Switzerland suffered the most due to melting. Study revealed that more than 500 Swiss glaciers have been lost since 1900.

According to a report released in April, it is being said that most glaciers in Europe, Western Canada and the US will vanish in the second half of this century if current rates of ice loss continue. 9000 billion tons of ice have been lost from glacier melting between 1961 and 2016.

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