Natures Zeal

Natures zeal posts articles on environment issues like Climate change, Global warming, Glacier melting, rising sea levels, Temperature changes, Pollution and raises concern over it. Climate change and Earths global temperature change is a matter of concern for all of us. Its impact is visible all around us.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Polar Bear extinction by 2100:Arctic warming

 Polar Bear Extinction

Climate change has impacted Polar bears up to the extent that researchers are saying that they might get extinct by 2100. This research was published in Nature Climate Change Journal. This is worrying for all of us.

Polar Bear Extinction by 2100
Polar Bear


According to the research, there is approximately 25000 polar bear left on Earth. This theory of their extinction was based on the fact that the population of polar bears is decreasing in many places.

This was supported by the fact that the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the planet as a whole. Not only increasing temperatures but also the food chain getting affected as they are unable to adapt to the shifting environment.

The authors of the report also pointed out that not only polar bears will get affected but there might be many other species that might go through the same in the coming decades.

It is also being said that even if humanity were able to cap global warming at 2.4 degrees Celcius it would only delay the chances but will not be able to prevent it.

So the question is what can we do for now?

The simple answer is that we have to put in efforts to keep the global warming temperatures below 2.4 degrees Celcius. The superpowers and the developing countries including India should take a unique stand on this.

Today, we are witnessing various problems like Corona Virus but we have to think about other issues as well because in some or other way they are linked to the changing environment.

Efforts are needed from every person in this society and if no actions are taken now then it will be too late to act and it is our children or grandchildren who have to pay the price.